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Coaching for Wellbeing Enthusiasts
Optimal health and wellbeing are elusive
goals for most people.
According to the CDC, barely 23% of adults 18 and older meet the government’s standard physical activity guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strength activity.
Life transitions (retirement, motherhood, divorce, etc.) are stressful and can greatly impact life satisfaction and personal growth.
More than 80% of Americans' diets are low in fruits and vegetables, a leading cause of many health conditions.
Most Americans report languishing from the chronic stress of the pandemic years. Burnout is the new normal.

Santana Dorn Leadership coaches leverage cutting-edge research to support your goals for optimal wellbeing and life satisfaction.
As experts on sustainable human performance, we can help you focus your energy on the action steps most likely to result in the successful attainment of your goals and support your progress with science-based interventions.​
The possibilities are powerful
Living longer while feeling younger
Higher life satisfaction
Healthy eating
Stress management
Work/Life integration
Increased overall wellbeing
With Santana Dorn Leadership, you participate in choosing a coach to partner with for a customized solution for your unique needs and goals.
Our coaches have vast experience in areas of expertise such as mindfulness, health, fitness, life/job transition, financial wellness, relationships, and stress management.
We keep up to date on the latest research findings to accelerate your progress using science-based interventions.

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